So, what have I been up to in the last week? you ask. Well, I bought myself a pair of pants. Yay!
And I passed fun times of silliness with my hostfamily.
On Saturday I was on my own in the morning, with a very important task. My mission, and I chose to accept it: lunch for my host family. So I made a ham and mushroom and cheese tart that Benedicte had made once before. It's a fantastic recipe--very easy and it came out great both times. For dessert I made the closest version of a carrot cake that I could manage with the French ingredients that I had on hand. The cake came out well, the frosting a bit less so due to the lack of cream cheese and powdered sugar.
Saturday afternoon I spent doing homework and studying for my THREE ENORMOUS TERRIFYING TESTS on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. AAAHH! On Saturday evening we watched Danse avec les stars as usual (we finally got rid of Gerard Vives, the clown).
This morning I started planning for Thanksgiving. It's going to be a challenge to cook Thanksgiving dinner for a crowd in metric with foreign ingredients. On the other hand, as Benedicte reminds me, they've never had a Thanksgiving dinner so if it isn't perfect, they won't know the difference. However it turns out, I'll be sure to take lots of photos!
This afternoon I worked on Thanksgiving, started my poster about my life for school, and wrote to my parents while Alice made lasagne for her Italian class.
She also made us waffles!
Although I think perhaps some of the waffle batter got lost in transit.
Well, tomorrow it's back to work with 2 hours of French test. Fortunately I have free periods in the morning...although of course I wouldn't think of cramming...
The first quarter just ended for us too... I was shocked. It seems like we started school like a week ago. So weird....